Most Republicans don't think sexual assault would disqualify Trump from the presidency
Most Republicans don't feel that sexual assault allegations against Donald Trump, if they were proven to be true, would disqualify him from the presidency
18 Oct 2016Artikel
American women reject Trump's video apology
While most American women think that Trump's video apology was not good enough, men tend to either be OK with it or think he had nothing to apologize for in the first place
13 Oct 2016Artikel
Clinton's strong debate performance doesn't necessarily translate into policy support
Overall people think that Hillary Clinton performed well in the debate, but her advantage narrows when it comes to her actual policies
28 Sep 2016Artikel
6 in 10 Americans think Clinton's emails are a problem – same as last March
Most Americans, including nearly two-fifths of Democrats, think Hillary Clinton's personal e-mail usage is a serious problem. But the number hasn't risen much since the story first broke.
14 Jun 2016Artikel
Regardless of who wins, most wouldn't emigrate because of 2016 election
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton top the list of candidates that have Americans searching for the exit
14 Apr 2016Artikel
Knapp die Hälfte der Amerikaner für strengere Waffengesetze
Mehr als ein Drittel der Amerikaner glaubt, Amokläufe seien ein Teil des modernen Lebens. Aber viele würden strengere Waffengesetze befürworten.
09 Oct 2015